The Parliament Vol. 2, No. 2

What's one thing you can do today to step outside your comfort zone?...


“What’s one thing you can do today to step outside your comfort zone?”

Leaders are in a terrific position to coach their team members to look for ways to grow and develop.  This prompt can be a powerful question to encourage growth, build confidence, and foster a proactive approach to personal and professional development.  Stepping outside of our comfort zones can also lead to increased resilience, adaptability, and creative problem-solving—key qualities for thriving in today's dynamic workplace.

Consider this question for team members who might have been in role for a long time or in a subject matter that they’ve already developed mastery in.  Here are some additional prompts to consider:

  • "What support do you need to make this happen?"

  • "What potential obstacles might you encounter, and how will you overcome them?"

  • “What are you feeling/thinking now that you’ve come up with this idea?”

Remember that coaching isn’t telling! Coaching is about staying curious and making space for those in our care to become confident authors of their own stories.


Overestimating Our Abilities

Have you ever felt really confident with a skill of yours going into a situation (maybe a big presentation or meeting), only to find out later that things didn't go as well as you perceived? That, in fact, you kind of bombed and that you still have A LOT to learn? I know I have.

That’s the Dunning-Kruger Effect—a bias where we overestimate our abilities before we’ve gained enough experience to really see the bigger picture clearly. As leaders, this can be a blind spot, but it doesn’t have to be. By implementing a few strategies and behaviors, we can maintain a more realistic and pragmatic perspective on our own leadership talents.

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True leadership isn't about performing well when things are easy. It's about how one responds to difficulties, opposition, and moments of crisis.

We all face difficulties—setbacks that test our values, resilience, and courage. But it’s our responses to these moments that shape not only our character but also our legacy.

What will you do in the face of adversity and hardships? How will you lead?


As leaders, one of the biggest challenges we face is identifying our own blind spots. The Dunning-Kruger Effect—a cognitive bias where we overestimate our abilities in areas we know little about—can make this even harder. This week’s featured reading explores how this phenomenon impacts technical teams and offers practical insights to help us all (even us non-tech team leaders) cultivate self-awareness and make more informed decisions.


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