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- The Parliament Vol. 2, No. 5
The Parliament Vol. 2, No. 5
What does your perfect day consist of?....

"What does your perfect day consist of?"
Try using this question in your next one-on-one with a team member. You can help your team member gain clarity about their values, priorities, and what truly brings them joy and fulfillment. It's more than just a fun thought experiment; it's a guided exploration into their ideal state of being and might help them to set clearer goals or increase their drive and motivation. Here are a few companion questions to try on:
What aspects of your perfect day are already present in your life?
What obstacles are preventing you from experiencing your perfect day more often?
What resources do you need to create your perfect day?
Remember that coaching isn’t telling! Coaching is about staying curious and making space for those in our care to become confident authors of their own stories.
Potential Pitfalls of Goal Setting
Coaching without a goal is just a conversation about a problem.
If you've been in one of my classes, you know this is one of my favorite coaching adages. As a leader and a coach, I love goals! Setting transformational goals is at the very core of what I do and teach...
I also know all-too-well that goals have their limitations, and an over-reliance on them can end up holding us back rather than propelling us forward.
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Oprah's quote is an inspiring call to live a life of purpose, driven by passion and dedicated to contributing to the world in a way that is uniquely your own.
Let's build a brighter future together. Book a consultation today!